Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Snowacane

no, it's not like Novacain, but related to a Hurricane!!

It doesn't look like we'll get too too much, though the forecast range for the coast is 4-9" !!

However, the deadly force winds may do as much damage as the snow.. and no one knows how big (or for that matter how small) this really will be, after all.

KYW's Karin Phillips spoke to AccuWeather meteorologist Elliot Abrams about this latest storm, which will include both snow and high winds and has been given the descriptive name of a "Snowacane."
Abrams says it's good to give a potentially dangerous storm a memorable descriptive name, because then people will pay attention. And he says this is indeed an unusual storm:
"The thing about this is that there's this pocket of cold air in the upper atmosphere over the Great Lakes, moving southeastward, and then there's this storm that's coming up from the southwest and is going out to the ocean east of Maryland. And when the two come together, the storm won't be able to continue northeast and it will stall."
Which is bad because that gives the strong winds accompanying it a chance to do some real damage, especially along the Jersey sore. Abrams says the last time we saw a storm like this was in 1962, which did a lot of damage at the shore.

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