Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Where were you?

I was driving from my home, enroute to work at AT&T Bell Labs, with a quick stop at the United Teletech Federal Credit Union.

On the radio, I heard the report of "a plane" crashing into the World Trade Center:

8:46:30[10] Flight 11 crashes at roughly 466 mph (790 km/h or 219m/s or 425 knots) into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99.

I thought, honestly, "terrorist" immediately.

It was a crystal clear sky, bluebird day. There is no accidental way to hit a tower like that.

I was standing in line, watching the news on the screen in the CU lobby when the second plane hit.

9:03:02: Flight 175 crashes at about 590 mph (950 km/h, 264 m/s or 513 knots) into the south face of the South Tower (2 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 77 and 85.[15]


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