Thursday, December 12, 2013

Yet Another Mole Crab Pattern to try - The Surf Merkin

and out west, they apparently have had success tying it in PINK!

maybe would work for weakfish as well!??

pink is the new gray.

July 28, 2011

corbina with a pink merkin face! photo by Al Q

Al Q with a corbina that fell for yet another pink merkin. photo by james dwyer.

photo by Al Q
Confessions of a corbina junkie!
Well, I have to admit it, I went to the dark side this season and converted to pink. It sounds nutty but a few weeks back I hooked four corbina in one outing, all on pink merkins. I got another one a week later. My good friend, fellow corbina hunter and surfin merkin man, Paul Cronin from Oxnard has convinced me that pink is indeed the new grey. I am now a believer, say yeah! The last four or five seasons we have been tossing grey surfin merkins with great success. We have talked about how they are easy to cast, land softly, track like a burrowing sand crab and have accounted for more corbina than I can count. After experimenting with colors that are more visual for us to see, Paul concluded that chartreuse scared the hell out of them but pink had no affect on their ability to see and eat the fly. The pink profile allowed Paul the ability to see and position the fly easier. It really makes sense, when sight fishing these fish in clear skinny water the angler can easily see the fly as clear as day from a long distance away. Imagine a big wad of Bazooka chewing gum crawling across the sand bottom and a corbina chasing it down and trying to kill it. Could it get any more visual, I don’t think so? Give pink a try, you won’t be disappointed…PS: the color of the EP fiber pink we are using is Salmon Pink and don’t be afraid to tie them big and ugly.

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