Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Call of The Sea

After a disappointing attempt at finding the wily Pequest Rainbow Trout in the mudholes they call "ponds" here in the Grand State of South Jersey, I've decided to be disappointed in another way: in quest of a Striped Bass.

One would think this an easy thing and, yes, it is relatively easy if you have flexibility of time at your disposal.  It's hard to quantify but the vast majority of striped bass caught from shore are done so at low light or night times.  However, getting out at those times is increasingly difficult for me.

Also, if one is flexible in travels, it is also relatively easy to stack up striper catches at certain times of the year. Indeed, I used to have regular "milk runs" of spots that would be checked in any given session, and track the migration locally from place to place.

Again, my choices are more limited for a variety of reason.

But the Sea calls, and no matter whether trout or striper actually jump on my line, I have started fishing again, after a long dry spell over the winter.

The "easiest" or "surest" way to catch during the daytime is using bait, at least right now, and in the spots I frequent.

My "next best friends" showed up yesterday, along with a surprise visitor at the jetty. Pictures below.

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