Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Father's Day

I pray that all of you Fathers out there had a Blessed Day.

Not everyone does, I know. There have been deaths of children way before their time. Separation by divorce, children who are estranged from their Fathers through addiction. Or many other circumstances.

Sometimes, it's less tragic and more, well, understandable. Children grow into adults, often with their own families and responsibilities. Their careers can take them away for long seasons.

All of this does not negate my sincere prayer for all of you Fathers that you would still be Blessed by our Heavenly Father. Jesus referred to God as "Our Father" and therefore, you can have a blessed Father's day no matter your individual circumstance!

My children were all elsewhere around the East Coast, one in NY, one in MD, one in FL and one sick up a bit further north in NJ.

So, my wife and I were "alone" on this Father's Day. After text messages and phone calls and a bit of sadness on my part, we got out of the house to enjoy the beautiful day.

It was a reminder about Our Father Who Art in Heaven, His great creation and the Wonder of it All!

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